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FluorOne Trading LLC

About Us

Operating out of offices in the U.S. and China, we are the world’s leading experts in fluorspar supply and logistics. Since our founding in 2011, we have supplied over 1,000,000 MT of fluorspar from South Africa, England, Canada, China, and Mongolia as principals and agents. Our understanding of the fluorspar supply chain, producers’ quality characteristics, and end users’ requirements is unparalleled.


No one specification can cover all fluorspar since every ore body and production process yields a unique product and every fluorspar consumer has their own unique requirements. FluorOne’s decades of experience and data help ensure that consumers get the fluorspar that best satisfies their quality requirements while minimizing cost.  Material with low SiO2? Low P2O5? ultra-low As? Lower cost in exchange for some flexibility on certain elements?  We will work with you to ensure an optimal solution for your business.